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The Jacksonville Jaguars – New Facility Propels Dramatic Rise in NFLPA Player Survey Rankings

SportsThe Jacksonville Jaguars - New Facility Propels Dramatic Rise in NFLPA Player Survey Rankings

The Jacksonville Jaguars have undergone a remarkable transformation with the unveiling of their state-of-the-art practice facility, the Miller Electric Center. This $120 million investment, located in downtown Jacksonville, has catapulted the team from 28th to fifth place in the NFL Players Association’s (NFLPA) second annual player team report card.

The Miller Electric Center boasts a sprawling 125,000-square-foot space, encompassing an indoor practice field, outdoor practice fields, team offices, locker rooms, medical facilities, and a draft room. This comprehensive facility reflects a significant upgrade for the Jaguars and has garnered widespread acclaim among players and league officials alike.

Rising Up the Ranks:-

With the inauguration of the NFL’s newest training complex, the Jacksonville Jaguars experienced the most substantial leap in the NFLPA’s report card rankings. Moving from 28th place in the previous survey to fifth this year, Jacksonville’s ascent underscores the positive impact of their cutting-edge facility on player satisfaction and morale.

Eliminating Pest Problems:-

While the Miller Electric Center represents a significant improvement, the team faced challenges in the form of a rat infestation prior to the facility’s completion. Players reported a rat infestation in the locker room and laundry hampers, highlighting the urgency for improved facilities and hygiene standards.

A Grades Across the Board:-

Despite initial setbacks, the Jaguars received commendable grades across various aspects of their operations. The team earned top marks in ownership (ranked third overall), the team training room (ranked third), the weight room (ranked fourth), and the locker room (ranked sixth). Additionally, Jacksonville garnered an A grade in team travel, securing fifth place in that category.

Addressing Family Concerns:-

While the team excelled in most areas, player families raised concerns about the lack of a designated family room during games. Jacksonville was among the 12 teams that do not provide this amenity, resulting in a grade below a B minus in the treatment of families. NFLPA President JC Tretter emphasized the importance of addressing such concerns to ensure comprehensive support for players and their loved ones.

High Marks for Owner Shad Khan’s Vision:-

Owner Shad Khan’s commitment to elevating the Jaguars’ facilities and overall infrastructure has garnered praise from players and league officials alike. His investment in the Miller Electric Center reflects a dedication to providing players with world-class resources to enhance their performance and well-being.


The Jacksonville Jaguars’ meteoric rise in the NFLPA player survey rankings is a testament to the transformative impact of their new practice facility. With top-notch amenities and improved infrastructure, the Jaguars have positioned themselves as a premier destination for players seeking excellence both on and off the field. As the team continues to prioritize player welfare and facility enhancements, they are poised to reach new heights of success in the NFL.

As the Jaguars continue to make strides in creating a player-centric environment, the benefits of their state-of-the-art facility extend beyond the playing field. With ample space for training, recovery, and team meetings, the Miller Electric Center serves as a hub for player development and camaraderie.


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