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WWE Raw results, live blog 11 Dec 2023 : CM Punk’s decision

EntertainmentWWE Raw results, live blog 11 Dec 2023 : CM Punk’s decision

WWE Monday Night Raw comes waltzing back into our lives tonight with live results (Dec. 11, 2023) from the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, featuring all the latest build to the upcoming Royal Rumble event scheduled for late next month in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Advertised for tonight: CM Punk makes a decision on whether he will sign for Raw, SmackDown, or NXT. Elsewhere, Becky Lynch calls out Nia Jax, Cody Rhodes goes one-on-one with Shinsuke Nakamura, Drew McIntyre gets another shot at Jey Uso in singles action, Maxxine Dupri has one of the biggest matches of her young career when she takes on Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley in a non-title match, and a whole lot more.

WWE Raw results for Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the Raw live blog will kick off once the show starts on USA Network. It will be below this line here. Reminder: GIFs and pics allowed, but no links to illegal streams, please.


The path is clear WWE Raw results, though no eyes can see the course laid down long before. And so with gods and men, the sheep remain inside their pen, though many times they’ve seen the way to leave. He rides majestic, past homes of men, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

WWE Raw results : The show opens with a recap of Drew McIntyre beating the holy hell out of Sami Zayn last week.

Jey Uso makes his entrance and commentary hypes tonight’s show up.

He gets on the mic and says he got YEET back and hypes up CM Punk’s decision tonight. He tells Sami Zayn to get well soon. He calls out Drew McIntyre and says he’s not trying to be honest, his actions show he’s two-faced, and tonight he’s face to face with the Yeet Master “Main Event” Jey Uso, and tonight Drew will get got in Cleveland—

Enter Drew McIntyre, mic in hand.

He says Raw doesn’t want CM Punk in the locker room because he’ll destroy it from the inside out, and he’s one of the few people that traveled the world with him and knows what he’s actually like. He tells Jey Uso to look at him, and turns to the camera to talk to Sami Zayn, saying he ran his mouth a lot and crossed the line talking about his family, but he’s sorry.

That’s called a frickin’ apology, and Jey Uso is incapable of one when it comes to Drew McIntyre. Drew goes on for a while, polling the crowd how they’d feel about having their family attacked and so on, until Jey gets bored and calls for the bell.

WWE Raw results : Drew McIntyre vs. “Main Event” Jey Uso

WWE Raw results : Hot at the bell, Uso with hammering blows, sending Drew to the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Uso slides short on a hammer whip, slicing right, McIntyre cuts him right back off and throws him into the turnbuckles. Enzuigiri from the apron, Jey off the top with a crossbody, cover for two! Whip reversed, knee cuts Uso off, mounted punches follow.

Drew with a suplex, stomp to the side of the head, Jey rising with desperate right hands, chop in the ropes, whip reversed, McIntyre takes him out hard with a back elbow! To the floor, Claymore attempt, Jey ducks it, Drew goes into the announce desk and Uso runs back in for a suicide dive that sends us to break!

Back from commercial, jockeying for position in the turnbuckles, McIntyre with the spider belly-to-belly superplex! Back up top, Jey ducks under, superkick connects, big right hand, off the ropes, Samoan drop… ONLY TWO! Uso charging in, Drew sidesteps and lands a neckbreaker, both men are down and out!

Kip-up, Jey cuts him down with a pair of superkicks, diving splash… KNEES ARE UP! FUTURE SHOCK BUT USO KICKS OUT! Drew laying in wait but Jey meets him with the spear… SO CLOSE! McIntyre recovers, gouges his eyes, and lines him up…

Drew McIntyre wins by pinfall with the Claymore.

WWE Raw results : We get a recap of CM Punk’s promo on SmackDown last week and we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a subtitled Shinsuke Nakamura promo telling Cody Rhodes he’s not a closer, but rather a dog chasing a car, who will never be enough.

Judgment Day are hanging out backstage and Finn Balor gives JD and Dominik shit for the wheels coming off the wagon. Rhea comes to their defense while running down everything bad that’s happened to them lately. Damian Priest says that all sucks but he and Balor are gonna take it to the Creeds and take care of business.

Ripley says she’s sick of the disrespect and they need to remind everyone who runs Raw, and she takes her title and leaves.

Backstage, Alpha Academy are giving Maxxine Dupri a pep talk when Diamond Mine roll up to join in.

R-Truth saunters through with a spool of big ol-timey Christmas lights for the Judgment Day clubhouse and Gable asks him to be careful and tells him he’s not really in the group. Truth says he’s got it all wrong and they’re just misunderstood. He bids them a Happy Thanksgiving and leaves.

Rhea Ripley makes her entrance and we go to break.

WWE Raw results : Maxxine Dupri vs. Rhea Ripley

WWE Raw results : Ducking and dodging, Dupri with a slap but Ripley gets hands on her with a series of short-arm lariats! Maxxine blocks a powerbomb, reverse to a Frankensteiner, she’s feeling it! Dropkick into the corner, duck a boot, waistlock, blocked, Rhea blasts her with a boot!

Riptide connects, Ripley jaws at her and tells her she’s nothing before lifting her up in the inverted cloverleaf, kneeling down on her neck…

Rhea Ripley wins by submission with a torture inverted cloverleaf.

WWE Raw results : Post-match, Ripley refuses to let go of the hold and Ivy Nile hits the ring and gets in her face!

We get a video package for Katana Chance and Kayden Carter.

Adam Pearce is walking backstage, contract in hand, and he knocks on CM Punk’s door to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Adam Pearce is in the ring holding a Raw contract.

He says the time for sales pitches is over, he’s spoken to Nick Aldis of SmackDown and “Heartbreak Man” Shawn Michaels of NXT, he needs no introduction, the Best in the World, CM Punk.

Punk gets on the mic and says he comes out here in a sullen mood and then he sees the signs and the people and he has a huge decision to make, and he’s been thinking about it all week, and the reason he’s been so consumed and worried about it is he loves us, but this town and this arena haven’t always been the kindest to us.

He talks about having his tryout in this building and being sent to OVW and how he embraced being uncomfortable and learned to love it. He returned here as World Heavyweight Champion ready to put on a show and then Randy Orton kicked him in the head backstage and he wakes up and is told he got stripped of the title and he was like “CLEVELAND?! AGAIN!”

He talks about walking out and he doesn’t want to bore us with details because he’s focused on the future, but ten years ago he had to get off the hamster wheel, for better or for worse, and he doesn’t regret it but he always wonders if people that paid to see him were disappointed.

Indi Hartwell told him backstage she felt betrayed by him walking out and he told her he felt the exact same way when “Rowdy” Roddy Piper went to WCW, so if you feel the same way about him walking out, he understands and hell, he apologizes. He’s gone to SmackDown and listened to Nick Aldis, he’s put together a very substantial offer.

He went to talk to Shawn Michaels and 15-year-old Punk is tickled to have gotten an offer from HBK to help mold the next generation, and Adam Pearce put together a deal that’s head and shoulders above the others, but really and truly his mind was already made up when he looked at the calendar and saw Cleveland.

He’s here to bury those ghosts and right wrongs, and his future starts now. You couldn’t write a better show, ten years almost to the day Punk walked out, CM Punk walks right back in, and if you’re happy about it, if you’re mad about it, you better learn to love it, ‘cause congratulations Adam Pearce, the newest Raw Superstar is named CM Punk, and CM Punk is home.

They shake hands and embrace and Punk officially signs his contract.

Enter Seth Rollins, in a very sparkly suit.

He squares up with Punk and the five-second delay censors the hell outta the crowd. Seth lets them sing his song before cold-shouldering past CM to get a microphone. He talks to Cleveland and acknowledges Punk, welcoming him to Monday Night Rollins. He asks Punk for just one little favor, don’t dare call this place home.

He abandoned this place ten years ago and actively tried to tear it down, slandering him and every person in the locker room and now he wants to walk back here and call this place his home? It’s not his home, it’s Seth’s home. Everyone in the locker room is his brother and sister and the crowd is his family and he will do anything to protect it from people like CM.

He wants to make it perfectly clear, he wants no confusion, he knows he’s a bit worked up, but he’s gonna say it plain with every fiber in his being— he hates Punk. One of two things is gonna happen, either Punk will expose himself and self-destruct like always and he’ll be the first person to slam the door shut on his legacy, or if by some miracle he has changed, and he’s got any gas left in that tank, maybe one day Punk will be lucky enough to fight him for the world title.

Punk asks if he’s done and says that’s his one pass to speak disrespectfully without CM coming after him. He’s never asked for anything to be handed to him and he’s always done things the hard way, and he asks Adam Pearce where he’s at so he can make it official— CM Punk is entering the Royal Rumble and WHEN CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble, maybe it’s Seth he goes after.

Ivar and Valhalla cut a promo on Bronson Reed telling him he’s the sacrificial lamb.

Bronson Reed makes his entrance and we go to break.

Bronson Reed vs. Ivar

WWE Raw results : Reed bowling Ivar over, big elbow drop, hard whip into the corner and Warbeard goes down! Back inside, overhead elbows, both men off the ropes, stereo lariats and they’re down and out! To the floor, same spot, same result, and we go to break!

Back from commercial, big men clubberin’, Reed with a superkick, off the ropes, Iwar catches him with a spinebuster for a nearfall! Warbeard knocks him to the floor and goes up top… SENTON ATOMICO TO THE FLOOR! Back inside, up top again, Bronson cuts him off and climbs to join him, jockeying for position… REED WITH A SUPERPLEX AND IT IS OVER!

Bronson Reed wins by pinfall with a superplex.

WWE Raw results : Backstage, CM Punk runs into Judgment Day and asks where Rhea Ripley is.

Damian Priest laughs and calls him funny and welcomes him to their show and says he hopes he’s the guy that finishes his story around here, because he’ll be waiting with his Money in the Bank Briefcase.

Judgment Day make their entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Judgment Day are in the ring and Damian Priest gets on the mic demanding everyone rise.

Finn Balor asks them to rise again for the only two-time undisputed tag team champions, hismelf and Damian Priest. They’re in town, so step up and get whooped down, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been here, you came back, or you’re new here, you’re all officially on notice.

Dominik Mysterio tries to speak and gets booed down as usual.

Enter R-Truth.

He says he was looking for the clubhouse to decorate and it seems like they got lost and asks where his invitation to the holiday party is. JD McDonagh yells at him and Damian tells him to take it easy before calling Truth in the ring to hear what he has to say.

Ron gets in the ring and says he has a lot of ideas to share with them right here in Cleveland, and Balor asks to hear them. First off, he thinks they gotta kick JD out, he’s sorry but nobody likes him. Second, DP needs to stop calling himself the boss. He thinks he’s a fantastic boss, but it makes Mami mad and she gets upset and when she’s confused, we’re all confused.

Priest says he’s funny and he understand why people like him, and Finn Balor chimes in that he likes Truth, too. Everybody loves R-Truth… except Damian, who drops him with a lariat and Judgment Day put boots to him! Creed Brothers make the save but get overwhelmed by That Damn Numbers Game themselves!

Julius manages to double suplex the B-Squad on the floor and passes Finn to the apron, taking him out with a dropkick! Priest has both Creeds goozled but they fight him off and take him out with a double spinebuster! Creeds stand tall and Judgment Day goes packing!

CM Punk runs into Drew McIntyre and Adam Pearce backstage.

Drew tells Punk he cares about finishing HIS story and Adam tells Punk that McIntyre is getting a title shot on the first Raw of the new year.

Kofi Kingston shows up and has a nice little reunion with his good friend Punk with Chad Gable and Ricochet in tow.

The babyface trio goes into Pearce’s office.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter make their entrance and we go to break.

WWE Raw results : Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell vs. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter

WWE Raw results : Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are on commentary for this one.

Carter and Hartwell to start, side headlock from Indi, shot off, shoulder block, leg pick, giant step, Kayden kicks her into the corner. Quick tags, double teams, Hartwell gets away and tags LeRae in! Senton connects, we see Tegan Nox and Natalya watching backstage, gutbuster into a swinging neckbreaker but Chance makes the save!

Whip across, boot, spinebuster, tags, Carter gets away with a kick, Katana legal…

Katana Chance & Kayden Carter win by pinfall with the Afterparty on Candice LeRae.

#DIY are backstage talking about their win last week and being in Johnny Gargano’s home town.

Imperium roll up and Ludwig Kaiser asks about the mystery partner they have, and Tommaso Ciampa tells him not to worry about their teammate, but how GUNTHER will react when he’s disappointed again. GUNTHER rolls up to note they’re very confident and wishes them luck in finding someone who will associate with them in public.

Becky Lynch is shown walking backstage to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Becky Lynch makes her entrance and gets on the mic.

She greets Cleveland cuts to the chase, she’s here to call Nia Jax out. They’ve never gone one-on-one in the ring, but they’ve been linked for five years because of the time Nia decked her before Survivor Series 2018, broke her nose, and spread her blood all around her face.

It may seem petty to bring it up now, but hey, she’s petty, and since everyone she’s fought has tried to use it as a burn against her, it’s time to get to the root of the problem. They keep missing each other, Becky main evented WrestleMania and Nia got double ACL surgery because she’s so unlikeable that even her own knees won’t stand up for her, but now it’s 2023 and they’re both here and she thinks that—

Enter Nia Jax.

She gets in the ring and on the mic and says she’s not fired anymore, she’s right here in front of her and better than ever. That punch she just showed, that was a lucky swing that almost ended Becky’s career. She didn’t even get all of it! Imagine if she had her right in front her and punched her full-force? She wouldn’t get up!

Everybody’s so mad she broke Becky’s face, but this is a contact sport, what else do you expect? Lynch says she doesn’t hold it against her because everyone knows she’s the most dangerous woman in the business. Nia says that’s why people haven’t stopped talking about her, and ironically Lynch has her to thank for her career now.

Becky says this is the narrative she has to change, because if it was just about a broken face the people would have checked out the second the blood dried, but it’s about what The Man stands for, about dusting yourself off, getting back up, and fighting like hell, because that’s what she’s done her whole life.

But Nia and her minions have spent years going around saying Becky Lynch ain’t a main event star, and then she proved them wrong and now they’re taking credit, and if she can’t end that lie, she’ll just end Jax. Nia says she gets it, Becky needs her in order to prove that she’s not just about that one moment, or more importantly that her career wasn’t just an accident.

Otherwise, she’ll always be the woman that made The Man. Lynch tells her to shut the hell up ‘cause she’s looking for a fight, and Becky puts her hair up and offers Nia one clean swing at her jaw! Jax says she needs this a lot more than she does and takes her leave.

“American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes reacts to CM Punk singing with Raw, saying he’s very happy for everyone involved and both he and Punk are aware that they can’t finish both their stories at once.

Had Shinsuke Nakamura not misted him in the face he’d be a lot more excited about this match, but that was then, but now he’s discovered that he’s vicious and that’s okay by him because that’s a problem he knows how to solve. Nakamura said that he asked for this? Damn right he did.

Imperium make their entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, #DIY’s mystery partner is revealed to be the Miz!

#DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) & the Miz vs. Imperium (Giovanni Vinci, GUNTHER, & Ludwig Kaiser)

WWE Raw results : Gargano and Vinci to start, Johnny fired up in front of his hometown crowd, GUNTHER in with a cheap shot! Big chop, working him over, soon Ciampa tags in and Vinci and Kaiser low bridge him to the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, GUNTHER chops Miz to the floor, front chancery on Tom, tag to Giovanni, off the ropes with a hard crossbody! Working Ciampa over, hot tag to Gargano! House afire, slingshot spear, Vinci makes the save! Tag to the Miz, GUNTHER in as well, the A-Lister overwhelming him with punches into the corner!

Awesome Clothesline follows, kicks in the corner, stereo DDTs from the Clevelanders! Dragon screw from the Miz, figure four leglock locked on in teh middle of the ring, Kaiser runs in but Johnny gets Gargano Escape on him! Ring General posting up and crawling, he gets that to Vinci!

Giovanni in with a diving elbow, powerbomb countered, Miz catches him…

#DIY & the Miz win by pinfall with Skull-Crushing Finale from Miz on Giovanni Vinci.

Shinsuke Nakamura makes his entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of CM Punk signing with Raw and being confronted by Seth Rollins.

Backstage, GUNTHER berates Vinci and Kaiser and turns right around into Miz challenging him to another title match. The Ring General calls him a pain in— and says he’ll give him a title match on one condition. When he beats him again, he can never challenge GUNTHER for the title again. Miz agrees.

“American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

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